It’s been few months since OnePlus introduced the pre-order system and has conducted several open sales globally since then. But in India, it has stuck to the age old invite based system with interested customers hunting for invites on social media and OnePlus forums. Now that its real competition, the Mi 4, is getting launched, OnePlus has decided to open up the sale for 24 hours. The OnePlus One comes with a 5.5-inch Full HD (1080p) display, 2.5GHz Snapdragon 801 quad-core processor, 3GB of RAM, 64GB of internal storage, 13MP rear camera and a 3100mAh for a price of Rs.21,999. In comparison, the Mi 4 comes with a 5-inch Full HD screen, the same Snapdragon 801 processor with 3GB of RAM, just 16GB of internal storage, 13MP camera and 3080mAh battery for a slightly lesser price of Rs.19,999. But OnePlus One supports both the 4G LTE bands in India, while Mi 4 is just 3G enabled. OnePlus has had a torrid time in India with its triangular fight between Cyanogen and Micromax. Since then, the company has announced its own OS, the Oxygen OS based on Android 5.0 Lollipop in place of the much acclaimed Cyanogen OS. Update: OnePlus has also announced that the One will be going on open sale every Tuesday for 24 hours in all the launch countries (US, UK, HK etc). But in India, it’s an one-off event on Feb 10th.