Nowadays, when an entrepreneur decides to start a business, the very first assets they need to buy are a computer and phone (ideally an iPhone).

This is true for any business in the modern world, as our devices are what connect us with our teams, customers, providers, banks, and everything else.

And once a business grows, the addition of new devices to its work fleet increases exponentially. For every new employee hired, at least one new device is added to an organization. At the same time, this also adds one more device with access to sensitive data and the potential of being used to compromise an entire business.

Unfortunately, small businesses typically don’t adopt best practices and basic tools to manage and protect their devices. That is until one day a material problem arises and it becomes a massive problem.

At that moment, the amount of work required to compile a precise inventory of all devices used for work, bring them to a centralized management solution, validate what is installed on each device, ensure all operating systems and installed apps are patched, adopt an endpoint security solution (antivirus) and online security solution is massive. Not to mention the potential disruption this can cause to productivity. 

Of the top 10 Cyber Security Tips for Small Business issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), six can be easily achieved by adopting a good solution for device management and security:

  • Protect information, computers, and networks from cyber attacks
  • Provide firewall security for your Internet connection
  • Create a mobile device action plan
  • Make backup copies of important business data and information
  • Control physical access to your computers and create user accounts for each employee
  • Limit employee access to data and information, limit authority to install software.

Unfortunately, software providers specialized in device management and security solutions normally only focus on medium and large customers, with hundreds or thousands of devices and employees. These vendors charge prohibitive prices for a small business budget. However, this isn’t a problem for small businesses using Apple devices. 

Mosyle, a company specialized in managing and protecting Apple devices (Mac, iPhone, iPad and AppleTV) used at work, provides a very effective solution at an affordable price. Mosyle even offers a FREE version of its platform for customers with less than 30 mobile devices.

See below how Mosyle directly addresses the main pain points for small businesses:

Personalized Onboarding and Setup: Small businesses normally don’t have a dedicated IT person on staff, so all the initial IT related responsibility falls on the owner or another employee as a “side project”. But the reality is small business owners don’t have the time or bandwidth to learn and develop skills in device management and security. With that in mind, Mosyle offers complimentary personalized onboarding and account setup for all new customers. Just tell Mosyle’s onboarding team about your business and concerns and they will ensure your Mosyle account is automatically configured based on your needs and goals.

Complete Automation: Small businesses need to be really sensitive with time allocation and it’s not reasonable to invest valuable hours on managing devices and performing manual checks and actions. With Mosyle, once an account is configured, everything will run in autopilot, literally. From there, adding a new device to your business fleet is as simple as giving a new employee a new device still in the box. The new employee simply turns it on, connects to the internet and Mosyle will automatically handle everything else without the need of any manual action. It’s full management, compliance and security with zero hours of work needed. For remote employees, this is even easier. Companies can simply purchase devices directly online from the Apple Business Store and ship the fully configured device to a new employee’s address. In addition, Mosyle licenses can be purchased with devices directly from Apple’s Business Store.

Unlimited Support: Once a business’s Mosyle account is configured and automatically running, companies won’t have much to do to maintain it. However, when the company wants to change or enforce new policies on devices, or when Apple introduces new features with OS updates, having unlimited access to experts is priceless. Mosyle offers complimentary unlimited support access to all customers to ensure a superior experience as they grow, and technology evolves.

Apple Unified Platform: Mosyle is the only provider to offer an Apple Unified Platform that combines critical management and endpoint software that a small business would typically need to buy independently, such as solutions for device management, endpoint security (antivirus) and online privacy and security (web filtering). With the Apple Unified Platform approach, a small business adopts a single solution that addresses and automates all its Apple device needs. 

Enterprise Scale, Small Business Price: Mosyle has the lowest price on the market to ensure that small businesses have access to extremely high-quality solutions at a cost that will fit any budget. And it gets even better. Mosyle offers their complete device management solution for FREE for any customer managing up to 30 devices. If you need more than 30 devices, buying Mosyle licenses is also super simple. Customers can easily subscribe with a few clicks.

Unlimited Scalability: A common goal for a lot of small businesses is to start slow and grow. While Mosyle products, workflows and prices are super friendly to small businesses, among the more than 33,000 Mosyle customers are some of the largest fleets of Apple devices, including individual customers managing tens of thousands of Apple devices in highly sensitive markets. No matter how much an organization grows, Mosyle will always be prepared to offer the best solutions for all the stages of a business.

Small businesses using Apple devices no longer have to suffer through poor device management and security. Mosyle makes managing and protecting work devices from the get-go accessible and affordable to every business. So, when is the right moment for a small business to start to manage and protect their devices? Easy. When they buy their first device.

  • 9to5Rewards: Win a Mac Studio and a 14-inch MacBook Pro from Mosyle