Unlike in the original Destiny, the sequel’s Mercury will be a fully-explorable area similar to Earth, Titan, and Io. Here, players will also be able to explore another new area called The Infinite Forest, a Vex simulation that takes players through Mecury’s timeline, showing different versions of the planet through the eons depending on the mission in which Guardians are currently participating. 

Mercury will also host another Vex-like structure that represents the 12 new quests Guardians will be able to go on in order to “forge” new weapons. Once players complete the DLCs campaign quest line, they will be able to forge weapons with specific Vex enhancements – although those were not covered in detail by the live stream. 

In addition to new lost sectors, adventures, and public events, Heroic Strike Playlists will return with the Curse of Osiris DLC. Guardians will see both base level and light level increases – 25 base level, 330 power level, respectively. 

The current Leviathan raid will receive a content upgrade from the DLC in the form of the Raid Lair. While this content isn’t an entirely new Destiny 2 raid, this “mini raid” will give Guardians new gear, have new bosses, explore new mechanics, and support new guided game content. For those still playing the Leviathan Raid, that end-game content will see a level increase, stronger encounter, and higher-level gear drops. 

Although we don’t know much about Osiris yet, we do know he and his ghost, Sagira, will feature prominently in the new DLC as evidenced from the stream’s opening cinematic.

Curse of Osiris will be released on December 5. Bungie will have two more reveal streams on November 22 and November 29 on Twitch at 11 a.m. PST.

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more news and information on Destiny 2’s Curse of Osiris DLC as it develops.