Buffy the Vampire Slayer is undeniably one of the best and most badass TV shows in television history, and Buffy Summers is a hero for the ages. As the chosen one, Buffy alone was tasked with fighting the forces of darkness and saving the world from demons, vampires, and any other big baddie that threatened the health and safety of humanity.

Just by virtue of being the slayer, Buffy Summers had to be an incredibly selfless person who sacrificed many things in her life in order to help others. And although she didn’t always seem thrilled to do it, Buffy was truly the heroine that the world both wanted and needed. Sometimes it seemed like she was being asked to sacrifice too much, but she always made those sacrifices anyway. Here are Buffy’s most selfless moments in the history of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Lying About Being In Heaven

Buffy Summers is a girl who knows how to be self sacrificing, and there isn’t anyone in this world or any other that she cares more about than her friends and family.

So although it was an incredibly selfless thing to do, it comes as no surprise that she chose to lie to everyone about being in heaven when she was brought back to life. Although she was in some of the greatest pain that she ever experienced, she understood what her friends went through when she was gone, and what they went through to bring her back, so she overlooked her own feelings for theirs.

Leaving Home To Face Angelus

Granted, if Buffy hadn’t actually gone off to face Angelus then there was an extremely real possibility that the entire world would be sucked into hell, but for a teenage girl, she was still sacrificing a lot. Buffy spent years hiding her duties as the slayer from her own mother, and when her mom found out she didn’t handle it well.

When Buffy had to go and face Angelus, Joyce told her that if she left she couldn’t come back, which would obviously be a terrifying prospect for a girl who hadn’t even graduated high school yet. But of course, Buffy did her duty.

Fighting Zachary Kralik Alone

Honestly, the Watcher’s Council had a decent idea when it came to testing a slayer’s abilities without their powers, but they clearly went about that test in just about the worst way imaginable.

And when their little experiment on a de-powered Buffy went off the rails, Buffy’s mom became the hostage to Zachary Kralik, a psychotic vampire with mommy issues that Buffy was originally supposed to face off against in a controlled environment. But despite the fact that Buffy was completely powerless, she didn’t hesitate to go after Kralik, and she didn’t put anyone else in his line of fire even though she could have used the help.

Taking Over For Joyce

Unfortunately for Buffy, a lot of the responsibilities she has to deal with in life are not ones that she has taken on herself, but are ones that have been forced on her. And while being the slayer is undoubtedly difficult, one of the hardest things that Buffy has ever had to do is become the head of her own household when her mother suddenly died.

Buffy wasn’t even out of college yet, and she knew nothing about how to take care of Dawn or take over for Joyce in general, but she did everything that she could to create a stable and safe environment for Dawn.

Risking Everything For Dawn

Although Buffy didn’t even have a sister for most of her life, once Dawn arrived Buffy was pretty much the best big sister that anyone could dream of. Glory was the most dangerous adversary that Buffy ever faced, and when Glory discovered Dawn’s true nature Buffy didn’t hesitate to pick up her entire life and go on the run to save her.

And not to be exceptionally brutal, but if Buffy wanted to do the safe thing then she could have destroyed Dawn before Glory ever got her hands on her, so being willing to sacrifice everything she had in order to save her brand new sister says a lot about Buffy.

Fighting Willow

Time and time again Buffy has proven herself as someone who will sacrifice everything for the ones that she loves, so when Willow became the big bad that wanted to destroy the world and murder the evil trio, it actually means quite a bit that Buffy stood up against her.

Obviously Buffy will always fight to save the world, but she loved Tara and loves Willow, so no one would have blamed her for letting Willow get revenge on Jonathan and Andrew. But Buffy still saved them, and she still did everything she could to stop Willow even though Willow was far more powerful than she.

Making Every Potential A Slayer

Being the slayer is a lonely gig. Or it was a lonely gig until Buffy Summers came along. Buffy carried the weight of the world on her shoulders for years, so some might assume that letting some other people take on some of that load wasn’t the most difficult thing in the world.

However, when Buffy was the only slayer she held all the power. That is something that most people would have a very hard time giving up. But ultimately it was for the greater good, so Buffy made her power into everyone’s power.

Facing The Master

On some level, every slayer knows that they are operating on a ticking clock. If they’re very lucky they can survive for years after being called as the chosen one, but the reality of the situation is that the vast majority of them have very short life spans.

But knowing that you could die is a lot different from knowing that you will die. Buffy knew that facing the Master would end her life, but she knew it was what she had to do to protect the world, so she did it. Which is pretty extraordinary for a sophomore in high school.

Killing Angel

When it comes to making it’s audiences suffer, Buffy the Vampire Slayer really knows how to twist the knife. After months of coming to grips that Angel was gone and Angelus was too dangerous to be left alive, Buffy seems to be finally ready to destroy Angelus even though it means destroying Angel too.

Except when it comes time to do the deed, Willow manages to re-ensoul Angel, just moments too late. The only way to save the world is by Buffy killing the man that she loves, and she does it, even though it’s the hardest sacrifice she’s ever had to make.


As far as being selfless goes, there is nothing more selfless then literal self-sacrifice. And it says a whole lot about Buffy that when she realized she could sacrifice her own life in exchange for Dawn’s, she didn’t even have to think about it.

Buffy loves Dawn more than herself, but to be honest if she were put in this kind of circumstance with anyone that she loved there is very little doubt that she would have made the same choice. Buffy understands that she needs to to everything that it takes to save the world, but her loved ones are her world, and she’ll do whatever it takes to save them too.