Buffy the Vampire Slayer stands the test of time. While it ended well over a decade ago, it remains popular. A show well ahead of its time, it featured great characters, complicated heroes and heroines, intriguing villains, humor, horror, and questions about bigger moral issues. Additionally, it featured interesting love stories with couples that we feel were strong and others that weren’t.

Aside from the couples presented in the list, there exist others that we feel mixed on. These couples were both strong and weak-both Spike and Riley fall into this mixed record. At times, they were good for Buffy, and at times, they weren’t. However, for a clearer list of the strong relationships and the weak ones, read on.

Strong: Faith and Robin

In Season 7, a reformed Faith returns to Sunnydale in order to help out. Faith has gone through a lot, and because of that, she also has grown. Gone is the Faith who seemed light-hearted but nursed a big fear that the monster who killed her watcher would go after her. Gone is the Faith who tried so hard to fit in, and then tried so hard to make Buffy’s life a living hell. Faith is more mature, and Robin, the son of a previous watcher, feels attracted and connected to her. They both are in the right place for a solid relationship. Timing is everything.

They share one intimate night that could become a one-night stand, typical for Faith. However, something about the way Faith has grown, and the way that Robin confronts her about her previous treatment of men, tells us that this won’t be a one-night stand. After all, Robin tells Faith that he will surprise her if they survive, and they do survive.

Weak: Warren and Katrina

Before Warren becomes the ultimate bad, wounding Buffy and killing Tara, and thus creating Dark Willow, he had moments to practice his bad behavior. Notably, a cringing example, is with his ex, Katrina. Warren created a device that would make a woman his slave, where she would have no free will. Using it, he tries to get his ex to have sex with him. Luckily, it doesn’t happen because there is a glitch in the system, and she wakes up. She tells him that he didn’t have her consent, and that it would have been rape. Extremely and rightfully angry with him, Katrina unfortunately gets killed by Warren.

We don’t see Warren and Katrina in full couple-mode, but if this is an example of Warren’s treatment of her, we can only assume that it was bad during their relationship, too. Katrina deserved better.

Strong: Xander and Anya

Xander always had the habit of attracting the monsters to him. Even an upset Willow once called him out, saying that he was a demon magnet. In that case, it’s understandable that Anya (a former demon) would be attracted to him.

Additionally, the two made a strong couple. They both could hold each other accountable and seemed to make each other better. With Anya, we saw Xander’s softer and more protective side. This was something that never came up so much with Cordelia.

Weak: Xander and Cordelia

We get it–opposites attract. Also, we appreciated when Cordelia became part of the Scooby-gang. It was great to get to know her character more. Though as mean girl as she could be, Cordelia was honest and heroic.

However, the two didn’t seem to have much in common besides teen hormones. Also, the way that Xander treated her, such as jokingly calling her a slut, didn’t sit well. Additionally, Cordelia gave up a lot to be with Xander, and then Xander cheated on her, thus breaking her heart.

Strong: Buffy and Angel

These two clearly loved each other for years, and perhaps the entire show. Angel never tried to shield Buffy or overly protect her. He respected her, even enjoyed watching her do her job. When Angel thought about killing himself, Buffy helped show him his importance to her and to something larger. They supported each other. These two were lovely together; that is, when Angelus wasn’t released.

Weak: Joyce and Ted

Joyce gets a romantic interest in Ted. However, Buffy correctly feels that something is off about Ted. For one, he seems two-faced, and he is incredibly controlling. Joyce seems to want to appease Ted. This doesn’t seem like the strong, independent Joyce we know. Even pumped up on the drugged cookies Ted shares with her and Buffy’s friends, her behavior is out-of-character.

Even dating Ted seemed out-of-character. He was too bland for Joyce (and perhaps too robotic). Had this relationship continued, it would’ve potentially resulted in Joyce’s death. This weak relationship was a scary one as well too.

Strong: Willow and Oz

Willow and Oz were such a good couple that we were as heartbroken as Willow was when he left. Oz, mellow and very intelligent, saw something in Willow when she was unaware of her awesomeness. Additionally, when she cheated on him with Xander, they were able to communicate about their feelings and work through it.

He never rushed her for intimacy, making the time when there were intimate truly sweet and loving. Willow supported Oz, helped him through his werewolf-state, and loved him. This was a match made in heaven, and it was hard to see it end.

Weak: Buffy and Scott Hope

After having to kill Angel (briefly transformed back after being Angelus), Buffy gives Scott Hope a chance. Scott, a fellow high school student, had a crush on Buffy. However, when they became a couple, it wasn’t a strong relationship. They didn’t have a lot in common, and Buffy couldn’t be her true self. As much as she may want to be a normal teenager, she’s the slayer. This would be a reality that Scott wouldn’t have been able to accept.

Additionally, when he dumped Buffy, he spread rumors about her in order to hurt her reputation.This also shows how weak of a relationship it was, and that Scott was a disappointing boyfriend and ex-boyfriend.

Strong: Willow and Tara

Of all the couples, Willow and Tara were probably one of the healthier relationships. What was there not to love about Tara? She was sweet, supportive, and strong. Although she loved Willow, she called her out when Willow began to overindulge in magic. This proved that Tara wasn’t a push-over, and it helped Willow (eventually) in trying to get better.

The two started out as friends, and from that friendship, they grew into a great couple. After Joyce died and Willow began to meltdown in raw emotion, she made herself vulnerable to Tara, and Tara, always the kind soul, knew exactly what to say and do.

Weak: Willow and Kennedy

In Season 7, we meet Kennedy, a potential slayer seeking refuge with Buffy. Immediately, Kennedy is interested in the still-grieving Willow. Kennedy is aggressive in her pursuit, and she’s really bratty to Willow’s friends. Because we think so highly of Willow and her previous romances, this one pales in comparison. We could see Kennedy as a rebound, but not as a love and relationship for Willow.

In addition, their relationship is built on a predator/prey like model. Rather than let Willow warm up to the idea of going out, Kennedy practically takes that decision away from her, ultimately resulting in a fragile-to-its-core relationship.