On the series finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2003), Buffy, the Scooby Gang, Faith, Spike, and a handful of Potentials-turned-Slayers defeat The First. The Hellmouth is destroyed and the town becomes a crater in the middle of nowhere. But when Buffy beats a foe that threatens to tip the scales in favor of evil and bring about an apocalypse, it’s only the end of another chapter, not the book.

Buffy and her friends save the world … again, but aside from a possible trip to Disneyland, what happens next? When one Hellmouth closes, another opens. Here are 10 unanswered questions we still have about Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s main characters.

Does Buffy Reunite With Any Of Her Exes?

Buffy’s either attracted to demons (of both the soulful and soulless varieties) or mere mortals whose egos can’t handle being Slayer arm candy. During season 7, the closest thing she has to a leading man is Spike. While Spike makes no secret of his love for Buffy, she’s a bit more conflicted. In the end, Buffy chooses herself. She realizes that it isn’t being the Slayer that’s holding her back from a healthy relationship, but that she’s simply not ready.

Buffy should spend her prime years doing what many women do: date a series of losers and focus on her career until her biological clock starts ticking. Being the Slayer is like any other high-powered, all-consuming job which means that as a woman, her personal life suffers. Fans may always root for her and Angel, but that ship sails away when he heads to LA (and gets his spin-off), and is anybody else a fan of Buffy and Spike?

Does Xander Overcome His Physical Attraction To Slayers And Demons?

Xander’s most significant romantic relationship is with a vengeance demon, but his females of choice always seem to be Slayers.

Xander probably gets some Watcher training. Of all the characters, Xander has the best shot at a normal life and he admits to Dawn during episode seven’s “Potential” that it’s hard to be the only one of his friends with no powers. All signs during the final seasons point to Xander tempting fate a few too many times, but he sees himself by Buffy’s side until the end. There’s always another apocalypse waiting in the wings, so Xander remains beholden to one woman – Buffy.

Does Willow Gain Control Of Her Magic?

Willow is much more cognizant of her powers during season 7. She’s often called upon to do magic, but is hesitant for fear of unleashing “Dark Willow.” She deals with her guilt over killing Warren and for moving on from Tara. When she activates all of the Slayers, she goes all golden goddess, and her elated reaction is at least in part due to her newfound happiness with Kennedy.

It’s safe to assume she returns to the coven in England at least short term. Willow still needs more witchy rehab, especially if she’s going to continue to come to Buffy’s aid. Will could be the head of her own coven, or she’ll singlehandedly destroy the world … whichever.

Does Giles Start A New Watchers Council?

When The First starts targeting Slayers, Watchers drop like flies as well. Caleb blows up what appears to be Watcher central in London. With tons of new Slayers in need of guidance and training, it would be up to Giles to rebuild the Council he walks away from years earlier.

Season 7 has Buffy very down on the patriarchy, so a new Watchers Council would have to be more progressive and inclusive. Giles and Buffy both realize that she’s a free agent, so while they will undoubtedly remain close, Giles needs new impressionable minds to mold.

Does Buffy Get A Day Job?

Before Faith goes all evil and starts killing people, Buffy begins to imagine a life that isn’t solely about the slaying. Once all of those Slayers are activated, and Sunnydale is gone, Buffy should have a lot of time on her hands. Practically speaking, she’s got no money, no house, no car and very few marketable skills.

Would she go back to making burgers? Will she ever consider working for the government again? Does Giles and/or a new Watchers Council give her a stipend? It’s still a mystery how Buffy manages to feed all those Potentials, but she always gets by somehow.

Does Faith Go Back To Jail?

Faith is a fugitive during season 7, and while saving the world should earn her parole, the judicial system and law enforcement don’t make exceptions for supernatural superheroes. But it’s hard to imagine Faith turning herself in. Faith’s homicidal days appear to be behind her, so she’s mentally stable enough to function among the living.

Faith shows some leadership capabilities with the Potentials but also expresses to Buffy how lonely it is to be at the top. The two bond over how heavy the head is that wears the crown, but they’ll never be besties. Does Faith find a Scooby Gang of her own? Faith is a loner, and though her really bad girl days are behind her, she’s never going to play by the rules.

What Happens To All Of The New Slayers?

They aren’t main characters, but the Potentials play a huge role during season 7. Some stand out more than others, and sadly, some pretty cool ones die, like Amanda and Molly. Although fans are led to believe there’s only a handful of Potentials left, there are hundreds and maybe more who are activated by Willow’s spell.

Most of these girls have zero idea of what their new powers mean (some like Kendra are trained early, others like Amanda are clueless), and with most Watchers dead or missing, who is going to tell them? That spitfire Kennedy has HBIC written all over her. Is it like It’s a Wonderful Life, and every time a Slayer is called, a Watcher gets a job? Or are Watchers like a gift with purchase? All these Slayers pose a ton of logistical issues: more Slayers, more problems.

Does Dawn Ever Get To Be A Normal Teenager?

First Dawn is just a mystical ball of energy implanted in Buffy’s life as her little sister. Then their mom gets cancer and dies on the living room couch. At the end of season 6, Buffy’s finally over her existential crisis and promises Dawn things will get better, but then The First arrives.

With so many other Slayers on patrol, can Buffy realize her dream of watching Dawn grow into a beautiful, powerful young woman? Will Buffy show her little sister the world? Buffy will do her best to give Dawn those all-important seminal events like prom, graduation and even college.

Does Principal Wood Continue To Fight Vampires?

Principal Robin Wood turns out to be an invaluable member of the Scooby Gang during season 7, putting all of his mommy issues aside. He doesn’t look so great after the finale’s huge battle scene, and he goes into the light at least once for a brief moment. Assuming he makes it to the nearest hospital and survives, what comes next for Robin Wood?

Maybe a brief, passionate fling with Faith. Perhaps he goes back to working as a school principal by day and vamp killer by night. Evil can never be totally vanquished, just put in time out, so now that Wood’s seen what’s behind the green curtain, he can’t exactly go back to Kansas.

Does Buffy Finally Get Over Her Superiority Complex?

Throughout the entire series, Buffy suffers from a chronic case of the know-it-all-itis. She acknowledges during season 7 she believes she’s better than everyone else. After Buffy’s authority is challenged, and she discovers the Slayer Scythe, she comes up with the plan to share her power, putting her on equal ground with all of the Potentials.

Buffy’s no longer the Chosen One, and she’s not making life or death decisions on her own anymore. Buffy is still special, but she gets to share both the glory and the burden.