Brooklyn Nine-Nine is one of the best comedies on TV in recent history. It follows the detectives and officers of the 99th precinct as they go about their job keeping the streets of Brooklyn safe for all. Charles Boyle is one of these such officers.

He is a great detective and an amazing friend but he does have some odd little quirks that his fellow officers can’t help but tease him for. They love him to pieces but they don’t always necessarily respect him as they should. Bearing that in mind, these are the 10 worst things the gang did to Charles Boyle.

Teasing Charles When He Got Shot

Although this was just good-natured ribbing (mainly from Jake), it didn’t take away from the fact that Boyle had literally just been shot half an hour before. Yes, he got shot in the butt (twice) but he was saving a fellow detective from a much worse fate. In this instance, Charles Boyle was a verified hero.

To add insult to injury, when Boyle received a medal for his bravery in the field, he was upstaged during his big moment by a police horse, Sergeant Peanut Butter, who would later become one of Boyle’s greatest nemeses.

Gina’s Shame About Their Relationship

Gina Linetti is not exactly what you’d call a people person. She likes to speak her mind and doesn’t care who she insults along the way because she’s always right and no one can ever convince her otherwise. That said, her relationship with Boyle provided lots of comedic moments for the pair.

They got together at the end of Season 1 and although there were no feelings involved for either party, Gina’s frequent exclamations of embarrassment regarding their relationship weren’t exactly great for Boyle’s self-esteem. Thankfully he seemed not to mind.

Pimento’s Peculiar House Guest Behavior

In Season 3, a new character was introduced in the form of Adrian Pimento, an undercover officer who was still clearly damaged by his experiences. The gang tried their best to acclimatize him to the real world again, including Boyle who stepped up when Pimento had nowhere to stay.

Unfortunately, Pimento’s behavior began to prove to be too much for Boyle, such as sharing his underpants and insisting Boyle buy bigger sizes. Pimento may have had it rough when he was undercover, but that’s no excuse for being a jerk to someone who has gone out of their way to try and help.

Mocking Charles’s Halloween Costumes

Charles Boyle loves the holidays, be it Christmas, Thanksgiving, or even Halloween. Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s Halloween-themed episodes are probably best known for the Halloween Heist storylines, something that the characters and viewers have grown to love. Equally as funny though are the cold opens for these episodes.

In one such cold open, Boyle refuses to wear a costume as he is always ridiculed by his friends. On this occasion however, they’ve all dressed up. Boyle rushes to get his emergency costume and is beyond excited until he gets to the precinct and discovers the gang has all changed back into work clothes with no apparent memory of ever getting dressed up.

Jake Sabotages Charles’s Case

This moment occurred early in the series in Season 1. Jake and Charles are the best of friends and they would literally do anything for each other. However, Jake has a tendency to get wrapped up in his own life quite a lot, leaving Boyle to pick up the pieces.

In this instance, Boyle was heading up a murder investigation and asked Jake to sort out the autopsy report. However, Jake then falls for the medical examiner, thus delaying the report. This turn of events almost jeopardized Boyle’s case. They may be best friends, but Jake didn’t cover himself in glory here.

Amy Crushes Charles’s Dreams

Boyle often has many dreams so really, this isn’t as bad as it sounds. However, Amy could have handled the situation a lot better. Basically, she and Boyle were looking to start up their own mobile food business and so Boyle bought a food van that had been the site of a previous murder case.

Understandably, Amy was apprehensive but Boyle honestly tried his best to make her see the bright side of the purchase, going so far as to print out Murder Menus. When the van was trashed, Amy was delighted as it meant they could get their money back, but Boyle was hurt that she cared more about dollars than she did about his food.

Captain Holt’s Angry Abuse

Captain Raymond Holt is a fine captain who respects his detectives and offers assistance and advice whenever they need it. However, he is an absolutely shoddy parker. Boyle found this out the hard way in Season 3.

Boyle had arrived at the precinct only to find that Holt had parked his car across his own parking space and Boyle’s. As he tried to reverse out, Boyle ended up scratching Holt’s convertible. When the Captain heard, he was furious with Boyle and refused to see that it was his own ineptitude that resulted in the incident. He came to realize the error of his ways but not before Boyle had had a tirade of abuse hurled at him.

Jake Leaves Charles Behind

Boyle has many admirable qualities, top of the list being his complete and utter adoration for Jake Peralta. Unfortunately, this also lead to one of his worst: jealousy. When a neighboring precinct moves into the 99 on a temporary basis, Jake is reunited with his partner from when they used to be beat cops.

At first Boyle’s jealousy seems to be unfounded but Jake starts to neglect his friend, first by forgetting to bring him on a stakeout and then ignoring Boyle’s hunch. It turns out Boyle was right all along and Jake’s old partner was a corrupt cop. Jake should have trusted Boyle’s instincts and treated him like an equal.

Jake Forgets To Buy Charles A Christmas Present

I mean, come on. That’s just cruel. In the early days of Jake and Amy’s relationship, Jake was desperate to impress so he went all out on her Christmas present. Unfortunately, this meant he forgot to get Boyle a Christmas present.

Not only that but Jake also lied about it to Boyle’s face, saying that he’d forgotten Amy’s present instead. Being the stand-up guy that he is, Boyle accompanied Jake and Gina to help get ‘Amy’s’ present. The worst part of this is that the trio then got caught up in an armed robbery, which would never have happened if Jake had just been a good friend.

The Boys Ditch Charles During Jake’s Bachelor Party

When Jake and Amy finally got engaged, there was only one person who could possibly be Jake’s best man. Boyle was naturally extremely excited at this prospect and went to great lengths to organize the best bachelor party he thought his friend would like.

It was at this point that he went Full Boyle and arranged a fake kidnapping of himself during the party, leaving the other detectives to figure out where he was. Jake meanwhile decided he just wanted a simple party and so he, Terry and Holt did their own thing, leaving Boyle alone and in the lurch. This was probably one of the meanest things Jake had ever done.