Where to begin with Gina Linetti? She is the human form of the 100 emoji, after all. Gina is the assistant to Captain Raymond Holt at the 99th precinct in Brooklyn, a childhood friend of Jake Peralta’s, and Charle Boyle’s former lover/step-sister.

But the truly great thing about Gina is how she carries herself and doesn’t have any problem speaking her mind, any time, anywhere. She’s the epitome of a shameless person which is exactly why we need to break down the top 10 most shameless Gina moments on Brooklyn Nine-Nine so far. Just maybe your favorite shameless Gina scene made the cut.

When She Tricked Everyone Into Drinking Cement

One of the main things Gina is known for is her social media presence. She has a large fanbase on various online platforms, which is why she decided to prank everyone in the 9-9 when they thought it was shutting down.

She posted videos for the G-Hive – a.k.a. her loyal fans – where she had different detectives like Amy, Scully, and Terry, drink cement. This inadvertently saved the precinct when she caught a great speech by Captain Holt on video instead, but she still continued her pranking later at their celebration at the bar.

Taking All Of Amy’s Tires Off Her Car

When Amy attempts to teach Gina how to change the tire on her car herself, Gina is reluctant and tricks Amy into doing it for her. Eventually, she learns on her own after watching a Youtube tutorial, but it was thanks to Amy’s encouragement that she sought it out in the first place.

While Amy was ecstatic to see she had successfully changed a tire, she was a bit deflated when she realized Gina had practiced on all four of her tires before doing the last one, leaving Amy tire-less.

Having Jake Tell People She Was Dead For Their Reactions

When Jake needed an important favor from Gina, she decides to use this to her advantage to finally find out how people really feel about her. How does she do this, you ask? By having Jake call everyone she knows and tell them she had died to see how sad they were about it.

We see this play out when Jake calls one of her grandma’s and Gina asks if she’s crying. Jake says, “a little,” which prompts Gina to tell her Grandma off and have him call her other one. This was such a typical shameless Gina moment.

When She Scammed A Halloween Heist Win

Before the season 4 Halloween Heist episode, all of the previous winners had been a detective at the 99th precinct. First, it was Jake, then Captain Holt, and finally Amy. But come season 4, Gina had a plan up her sleeve for a way to scam her own win that year.

She acted as though she was on Jake’s team, then pretended to knock out her front teeth so she could leave and put her plans into motion instead. She ended up winning the entire thing, earning herself the title of the “Ultimate Human/Genius”, eradicating the word “detective” from the title altogether.

Declaring Gina Linetti Is A State Of Mind

When Captain Holt praised Gina’s efforts while in Florida to save the day from Jimmy “The Butcher” Figgis, she declared that Gina Linetti was more of a state of mind.

This basically meant that she thought anyone heroic was Gina Linetti, instead of it just being her. While it’s nice that she was humble enough to not take all of the credit for saving the day, she still had to label everyone who helped as a Gina themselves. It was hilarious and completely in line with how Gina has always viewed herself.

Stumping Psychologists At Holt’s Dinner Party

In the first season, when Holt was still getting used to the crazy antics of his squad at the 9-9, he invited them over to a dinner party at his home. While there, they all got into trouble in one way or another, but Gina stole the show by capturing the attention of a group of psychologists.

Her incredibly self-centered attitude and interesting attitude led one psychologist to exclaim, “Complete overlap of ego and ID…It’s been theorized but I never thought I’d see it.” Gina’s reply? “I’m exquisite.”

Having Jake Get A Picture Of Terry In The Locker Room

Jake needed his old friend Gina’s help on Christmas Eve when he suddenly realized he had forgotten to get his best friend, Charles, a Christmas present. So when he asked her of this favor, she negotiated the terms by having him get a shirtless picture of Terry – their Sergeant – in the locker room.

We all were aware of Gina’s unabashed crush on Terry, but the fact she so shamelessly asked for a half-naked picture of him from Jake in exchange for her help was peak-Gina behavior.

Making A Flame Thrower Out Of Hairspray

During the season 3 Christmas episode where Gina, Jake, and Charles go shopping on Christmas Eve at a department store, they get taken hostage.

The entire time, Gina desperately wants to fight back by creating a flame thrower out of a can of hairspray and a lighter. This is not shocking knowing how over the top Gina tends to be, but what was surprising was seeing her wish come true by the end of the episode. When one of the assailants is about to get away, Jake throws her a can of hairspray and thus, her flame-throwing dreams came to life.

Every Time She Ragged On Boyle

In season 1, it was pretty standard for Gina to make fun of Boyle mercilessly. But after they began hooking up and later when their parents married, her jokes and pranks at Boyle’s expense only got worse over time.

It didn’t seem to matter that they had previously been lovers or that they were now sort-of-kind-of related to one another, she still teased him constantly and he, being Charles Boyle, just took it. At least we all knew that deep down she had a soft spot for him, even if she rarely showed it.

Creating A Statue Of Herself

It was a sad day when Gina Linetti decided to leave the precinct to follow her own entrepreneurial dreams, but she made sure she did so in style.

After a lot of grand goodbyes to each of her friends on the squad, she left them all with a golden statue…of herself. It was not only a hilarious moment but was everything we knew Gina Linetti to be – completely and unapologetically true to who she is. We were going to miss times like this with Gina, but at least she left the 9-9 with a gift they would never forget.