How much would it cost to replace a broken car axle?

The cost of replacing a broken axle depends on the type of axle it is, the type of vehicle, etc. It would usually cost you around $450 to $550 to repair the rear axle. The cost is more for the front axle which is usually in the range of $550 to $700.  

What is the axle?

A good percentage of drivers might not know what the axle does or what it looks like. The axle is one of the most important mechanical parts of a car. Its main function is to transfer the kinetic energy from the transmission to the wheels. It is a shaft that connects two wheels together. The axle also carries the weight of the car so it needs to be sturdy enough. Consequently, it is not one of those parts of the car that you have to check on regularly or change regularly such as the engine oil or the oil filter. 

Types of Axles

You can classify axles based on two properties:

Function Position


There are two types of axle based on the functions they perform:

Dead Axle: This type of axle is mainly used to carry the weight of the carLive Axle: This is the type of axle that transfers torque from the transmission to move the wheels


Using the position of the axle to classify it, there are three types of axles:

Front Axle: These axles are located at the front of the car. They are mainly used to steer the car. Depending on the design of the car (whether is it a front-wheel drive or a rear-wheel drive), the front axle can either be dead or live. In the case of a live front axle, it drives the wheels as well as steers them. Rear Axle: The rear axle as the name suggests is located at the rear of the car. Rear axles are popularly designed to be live, so they are responsible for driving the car through a driveshaft that is connected to the engine. Stub Axle: Stub axles are usually present in rear-wheel drive cars and are found at the ends of the front axle, connected to it with kingpins. A stub axle is usually one of four types (Elliot, Reverse Elliot, Lamoine, and Lamoine Reverse) depending on its arrangement and what it is connected to.

How do you know when your axle is bad?

A common saying is that you can know if someone is a gentleman from how he treats his car. The axle is one of those parts that you can continue managing once it is damaged. A sharp and experienced driver would know when the axle is bad and take it for repairs before it gets worse. There are mainly three ways to know when your axle is bad:

Vibrations: Feeling vibrations while driving is never a good sign that your car is in top condition. Although the axle is not the only part of the car that can cause vibrations, however, if the vibrations are very severe, especially when you enter potholes then it is most likely because of the axle. Also, it is not safe to be driving your car if it is vibrating excessively because it affects the handling of the vehicle. Loud Noise: A good indicator of a bad axle is hearing a loud clanking or clicking noise when you put your car into gear.  Lack of Movement: Imagine you start your car and the engine is running properly but you are pressing the throttle and the car isn’t moving even though it is in gear. You are going nowhere at a very high speed. Your axle is most likely totally damaged and needs to be replaced.


A very good indicator that your axle is getting worse is when you notice oil leaks underneath your vehicle. It usually means that the axle boot (a rubber that covers the axle joint) is leaking. If it is not taken care of, it might lead to damage to the axle. Whenever you notice any strange noise coming from your car or it vibrates when you are driving you should a mechanic immediately.

What would happen if the axle breaks while in motion?

You would lose control of the car. This could potentially lead to a fatal accident as it is very dangerous especially if you were at a very high speed. 

How long will I use my car for me to replace its axle?

The axle of a car does not have a specific life cycle. It depends on how you take care of your car and by extension the axle. Some users have never changed their car axles.

Can Insurance cover the cost of repairing axles?

Usually, Insurance may cover axle repairs if it broke as a result of a covered item. It is best to get the insurance that covers as much as possible on your car.