Griner had spent the last month in an unforgiving Russian punitive state in Mordovia where she was set to serve out her nine-year jail sentence for drug pirating, ignorant in the event that the detainee trade — which had first come up as a chance in late July — would occur.

Griner’s legal counselor in Russia, Maria Blagovolina, an accomplice at Rybalkin Gortsunyan Dyakin and Accomplices, tells Individuals she last saw the Phoenix Mercury star face to face three weeks prior, not long after she showed up in Mordovia. All the more as of late, they talked via telephone, alongside her co-chamber Alexander Boykov, from the Moscow Lawful Center.

“She was exceptionally worried after the exchange to Mordovia and was attempting to conform to new environmental factors,” Blagovolina says.

In any case, she adds, “Brittney was doing perfect” in the correctional settlement. “She is a contender. It was very trying for her, however she did truly perfect,” Blagovolina says.

— People (@people) December 9, 2022

During that call, Griner said she had “great signs” that the detainee trade would occur, and Blagovolina began to hear something similar.  “There were good signs since last week and we felt that the energy is close,” she says. Blagovolina got affirmation that Griner was currently returning home all the others on Thursday morning, and was quickly personal.

“Frankly with you, I cried,” she says. She hasn’t yet had the option to talk with Griner, who arrived in San Antonio early Friday morning and will go through routine clinical assessments to keep an eye on her wellbeing, however Blagovolina says she and Boykov “truly trust” to keep in contact with the competitor now that she’s back home safe.

“It has been an honor to address BG and we are exceptionally glad that she will spend the Christmas at home!” Blagovolina says.