The game was released on Steam about two years ago and is still free to play. Now, Blue Mammoth Games turns to PlayStation 4, where players can sign up for Brawlhalla’s closed beta. By signing up, players will receive an exclusive avatar and free character.

In the game, players can choose a variety of characters with their set of weapons and skills and go head-to-head against other players. They can play either offline or online under different sets of matches–free for all, online ranked matches, single player. If players want to challenge themselves even further, they can also enter into tournaments during weekends to battle against expert players as well.

Matt Woomer, Creative Director of Blue Mammoth Games, shares on the PlayStation blog:

On the post, he also shares that the full release of Brawlhalla will be coming this Summer. 

To learn more about the game, check out the trailer below. 

Stay tuned for more news on Brawlhalla at GameSkinny!