When you are growing up there are times in your life when you learn important life lessons from your parents, from school, or from your own personal experience. But for most 90’s kids, we learned some of the most valuable life lessons from Mr. Feeny on Boy Meets World.

Throughout Boy Meets World’s 7 seasons, fans learned about the importance of family, friendship, and love. As Mr. Feeny supported Shawn, Cory, Topanga, and Eric throughout their school years, he also supported and taught the other thousands of 90’s kids. The young fans never knew what sort of wisdom Mr. Feeny would bestow on them next. Here are the 10 best Mr. Feeny quotes.

If You Let People’s Perception Of You Dictate Your Behavior, You Will Never Grow As A Person

One of the most difficult lessons to learn as a kid is to not let people’s opinions of you affect you. Most kids have to learn this the hard way but luckily for us 90’s kids, we had Mr. Feeny to teach us to not let people’s ideas of us dictate our personality.

Not only does Mr. Feeny tell Cory “If you let people’s perception of you dictate your behavior, you will never grow as a person,” but he also tells Cory to stay open to new experiences since that is how one learns and matures.

I Believe That When You Find Love, You Hold On To It, And Cherish It! Because There Is Nothing Finer, And It May Never Come Again

Mr. Feeny consistently believed in the power of love whether it was the love of family, significant others, or friends. Throughout the 7 years of Boy Meets World,  Mr. Feeny never once doubted that love could conquer all.

Mr. Feeny never missed a chance to reminds us of the power of love. When Topanga is uprooted to Pittsburgh, she travels all the way back to Philadelphia to be with Cory. Even when everyone else was telling Cory and Topanga that there was no way they could love each other, Mr. Feeny believed in the love they shared and encouraged them to hang onto it.

There Is No Greater Aspiration Than To Have Love In Our Lives, Mr. Matthews. Romeo Knew It And Died For It

Ever since the very beginning of Boy Meets World, Mr. Feeny was teaching his students just how important it is to have love in their lives. In season 1, episode 1, Mr. Feeny was already trying to get Cory to realize how valuable love is.

Cory fails to understand the importance of Romeo and Juliet because as he puts it, “Who cares about some guy who killed himself for some dumb girl.”  While Mr. Feeny and Cory are in the classroom for Cory’s detention due to his disrespect towards Romeo and Juliet, Mr. Feeny finally gets Cory to understand the meaning of the love story.

Ah The Old Nature Vs. Nurture Conundrum. Personally I Believe That A Man, No Matter Where He Comes From, Chooses His Own Path.

Not everyone is dealt the best hand in life. Most people are not born with a silver spoon in their mouth and some of them allow their past to dictate their future as they use it as an excuse to not become better people or go after their dreams.

But if they watched Boy Meets World they would know you cannot use your upbringing as a crutch, as Mr. Feeny taught us all that a person has the ability to create his own path in life regardless of where he comes from.

But To Me, A Real Hero Is Someone Who Does The Right Thing When The Right Thing Isn’t The Easy Thing To Do

Many kids grow up idolizing celebrities. Kids aspire to be their famous heroes, but if they would have watched Boy Meets World they would have discovered who the real heroes in life are.

When Cory is mistaken as a hero for rescuing the school from a fire he lets the fame go to his head, but Mr. Feeny is there to bring him back to reality. Mr. Feeny teaches Cory what it means to be a real hero and that is someone who does the right thing even when it’s the hard thing to do.

Unfortunately We Live In A Society Where They Tell Us We Have To Look A Certain Way, So We’re All Under Pressure To Live Up To Unrealistic Expectations

There are a lot of people who probably assume Boy Meets World was about a funny kid and his friends, but the series discussed many serious topics such as societal expectations. Society can be a cruel place especially when you are young and lack confidence in yourself. Many people try to conform to society’s standards especially when it comes to their appearances.

When Topanga begins to be self-conscious about her body, she believes she needs to go on a diet. Her diet becomes a big misunderstanding and when she is left still feeling down about herself, Mr. Feeny is there to pick her back up.

See, It’s Not Enough To Leave School And Just Desire To Succeed In This Cold, Cruel World. Because Then You’ve Simply Become A Part Of It

Eric was a character who marched to the beat of his own drum even if no one else understood the beat. Eric might have been a bit of a goofball but his heart was always in the right place, which is what really counts.

When Jack expresses his concerns about Eric’s behavior at work and his gullibility to Mr. Feeny, Mr. Feeny teaches Jack that having a good heart is what truly matters in life. Eric might fall for people’s sob stories, but it is better to have an open naive heart than a cold one.

If You Search Your Heart And Listen To Its Instruction, You Won’t Go Wrong

If there was one thing Mr. Feeny believed in it was following your heart as that is what leads to love and nothing is more important than love. Not many people believed in Cory and Topanga’s young love, but Mr. Feeny never doubted it.

When Topana’s family moves to Pittsburgh Cory begins to listen to other people’s opinions about their relationship until he has a talk with Mr. Feeny. Cory and Topanga’s love went through its ups and downs but they never gave up on their love, and neither did Mr. Feeny.

Friendship, For Example, Is A Real Gift. It’s Given With No Expectations And No Gratitude Is Needed, Not Between Real Friends

Boy Meets World taught fans many things about life such as valuing love, the importance of family, but one of the main lessons was what it means to be a good friend.

Friendship was the main theme for the series as even in the first season Mr. Feeny was teaching his young students about how friendships impact your life. In season 1 Cory believes if you do a good deed such as giving your friend a basketball, then you should be thanked and rewarded, until he has a chat with Mr. Feeny who sets him straight.

Believe In Yourselves. Dream. Try. Do Good.

If there was ever a time to cry about a TV show, it would have been during the series finale of Boy Meets World when Cory, Shawn, Topanga, and Eric are in Mr. Feeny’s classroom one last time. For 7 seasons the fans of the series grew up alongside the Matthews, Topanga, and Shawn, and they learned just as much about life from Mr. Feeny as his students.

When the four adults who went through so much together were gathered back in their old classroom with Mr. Feeny, they asked him if he had anything left to teach them. No one could hold back tears when he told his beloved students, “Believe in yourselves. Dream. Try. Do good.”