As good as League of Legends might be, sometimes it’s good to play some other games. Maybe you’ve lost a few games in a row or can’t bear to be up against another smurf account player. Whatever the reason, alt-F4 LoL and download some of these awesome games!

Games Like League of Legends


If you’ve been playing League of Legends for a while, chances are you’ve heard of DOTA 2 at some point. Also known as Defense of the Ancients, DOTA is the original MOBA that spawned an entire genre of games – including League of Legends.

The original DOTA might be very dated by this point, but DOTA 2 gives the franchise that modern touch. Unlike LoL, DOTA 2 is often considered a lot harder due to its advanced mechanics. In the game, players have the ability to “deny” minions to their enemies, meaning enemies don’t receive gold and their life lane is much more difficult. With quality graphics, smooth gameplay, and lots of champions to choose from, DOTA 2 is a great alternative to LoL. 


If you fancy something a bit different from League of Legends, then why not try SMITE? Instead of your usual birds-eye view of the battlefield, SMITE allows you to get a much closer look at the action. With it’s unique behind the shoulder camera angle. you’ll get to experience the fierce battle from the eyes of your champion.

Unlike LoL, SMITE gives players a blind spot due to the 3rd person view. This means players can take advantage of other players who are too focused on killing minions. This field of view unlocks a whole range of new tactics for players, including stealth attacks and ambushes. With plenty of champions to choose from and a large community, SMITE might be the new game you’re looking for.


Similar to SMITE, Paragon is another MOBA that uses the same third-person, over-the-shoulder view. Unlike SMITE, however, the game is fairly new and is still in open beta. With just a few playable champions to choose from, the game is still in its early stages.

Featuring graphics from the Unreal engine, the game is most certainly a thing of beauty. But that’s not all: with its close-up of the battlefield, you’ll experience much fiercer battles and a lot more action. One of the most unique things about Paragon is the cards available in game. During matches, you gain amber, which can be used to purchase cards back at your base. By using these cards, you can follow unique and complex decks that offer a whole new level of customizability. If you want to become part of the community before the game becomes big, then now is the perfect time.

Heroes of the Storm

Developed by the creators of big titles such as Overwatch, World of Warcraft, and Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm is one of the newest titles from the developers at Blizzard. Featuring plenty of characters from the Blizzard universe, the game incorporates champions from StarCraft and Overwatch into an awesome MOBA mash up. 

If MOBAs have become too serious for you, then this game is perfect to restore the balance. No one in the game takes it seriously, and it’s all good fun. Compared to League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm has an impressive 13 maps to choose from. Each map varies in size, lane separation and jungle encampments which helps make the game even more interesting. 

If you’re sick to death gritting your teeth while waiting to re-spawn then Heroes of the Storm will be a breath of fresh air.


If you’re sick of 3D games and want something a bit hipper, then Awesomenauts is the perfect game for you. With an 88% rating on Steam, we can only say good things about this game. Due to the simplicity of the game, Awesomenauts is really the only MOBA you can play on consoles. The lack of 3D makes using a controller possible and opens up a whole new genre to console gamers.

Similar to the old school Worms games, this fast-paced 2D platformer is full of action and excitement. With more 20 champions to choose from and lots of ways to outsmart your opponents, you definitely won’t miss League of Legends at all. In fact, you could go as far to say this is an “awesome” replacement.

As you can see from our list, there are plenty of excellent alternatives to League of Legends. No matter if you’re looking for something completely new such as Paragon or another MOBA with a competitive ranking system, these games will make you forget LoL exists as you’re transported into a new online arena.

With countless gaming communities out there, you’ll never have to worry about not having any friends to play with. Head on over to their individual Reddit threads or post on their official forums, there are plenty of people who are up for a match.

Now you know five League of Legends alternatives, what are you waiting for? Get out there and give them a try!